[ale] Getting additional programs on Ubuntu PCs w/o Internet connection

Daniel Howard dhhoward at comcast.net
Tue Oct 14 23:15:56 EDT 2008

Folks, I just did an Ubuntu installfest for a bunch of families at a 
local elementary school, and we ran out of time when it came to 
installing additional programs on Ubuntu using the school's Internet 
feed, so the families took the PCs home and none of them have Internet 
at home.  How can I make up some CDs with the additional programs I 
wanted to put on them (like Childsplay, GCompris, Abiword, GNumeric, 
etc.) that they can install from CD?  Again, these PCs will not have 
Internet access, so the CDs would have to have all elements of the 
programs on them.

Thanks, Daniel

Daniel Howard
President and CEO
Georgia Open Source Education Foundation

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