[ale] Two monitors in Ubuntu (was Re: What's the best geek store in Atlanta area?)

Daniel Howard dhhoward at comcast.net
Thu Nov 20 14:38:23 EST 2008

Hey Mike, did you get dual screens working on a single Ubuntu PC?  I 
tried that recently to no avail.  If you got it working, which video 
card(s) did you use?


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 12:13:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Mike Harrison <meuon at geeklabs.com>
Subject:  To: ale at ale.org

I have to tell a GOOD story, just because it really happened and
soemtimes you do get clueful help.

I had been looking at 24" monitors at BestBuy, (I needed 2, matching, 
nice ones)
and could not get waited on for a while, and when I did, he was clueless.
Daniel Howard
President and CEO
Georgia Open Source Education Foundation

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