[ale] OT move to new Colo that wants to use NAT

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Sun Nov 9 19:01:05 EST 2008

I'm in the process of moving to our vendor's new color facility.  They
are currently moving out of QTS  and we either must move with them
or go somewhere else.

I've received this email from them

*>From our Network Administrator:
We're doing a NAT'd VLAN for Outpostsentinal.com, so their systems will need
to be set with the following IP range:, with a gateway of  
Their public IPs are in the same order (ie: goes to, goes to, etc)*

Is this something that should concern me?  At QTS we have public
IPs on each of our servers.

I'm running Asterisk on one of the machines as a PBX for all our remote
users and I know that Asterisk and NAT do not mix very well.  To solve
my NAT issues I've had to set most of the phones to register often to
fix the issue of "dumb NAT box".  The firewall forgetting about the phone
and its communication back to the PBX.

Most of our other services should work fine being setup like this.  One
issue is that in public DNS our server will be pointed to 65.X.X.X.  If one
of the boxes on 10.X.X.X tries to communicate with a box by name that
points to 65.X.X.X will that work?  I've know in the past using Linux
Masquerading that this did not work for me.


Chris Fowler
OutPost Sentinel, LLC
Support @ SIP/support at pbx.opsdc.com
 or 678-804-8193
Email Support @ support at outpostsentinel.com

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