[ale] recycle day in Cobb, quick reminder

Scott Denlinger scott at scottdenlinger.com
Mon Nov 3 19:47:45 EST 2008

My uncle-in-law who served in WW2 had to buy a new TV several years ago. He
absolutely insisted that the only kind of TV he would buy was a big, console
type TV with a massive, dark wood cabinet. Apparently, Zenith is the only
company which still makes one, and there was only one [!] place in Kansas City
which would even order it for him--no one kept one in stock.

So they're out there ...

On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 05:36:47PM -0500, Tim Watts wrote:
> Maybe they're referring to 'tv as furniture' type pieces? Does anyone actually 
> make that kind of thing anymore?

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