[ale] Download with Upload with Extreme DSL

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Tue May 27 12:42:27 EDT 2008


> That's true of any connection if you max out the upstream.  You need 
> upload to download, to tell the server that you've received the packets 
> properly, resend, etc. i.e. Flow control.

> Keep the upload at most 75-85% of max, that way you can continue surfing 
> etc.

We've actually had limited tracker substantially.   Since I have a server outside and in E-Deltacomm he and I need to do some tests with scp.  I think we can specify the speed limit on the scp command line.

On a different note I've just came back home from another E DSL location because I had no choice.  This house is in Alpharetta and the Internet started flapping around 10:30am and did not stop.  My SSH sessions to the outside would "hang" for 30 or so seconds then work again.  Browsing would stop for a period then work again.


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