[ale] How do I "empty" the .local/share/Trash?

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Tue May 20 08:19:17 EDT 2008

This home directory has been carried about for a while now and has 
probably tainted  info from FC4, Centos 4, Debian 3.0, Debian 3.1 and 
variouse Ubuntu distros, plus Gnome, KDE and a few other window managers 
that I'm forgetting, so I suspect it's old.  KDE doesn't seem to have a 
generic remove trash that I can find except a Trash can in the Desktop 
and that doesn't seem to be anything special.

So I'm thinking I can just delete .local and all will be well, but I 
thought I'd ask before doing it.


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