[ale] Linspire chairman thinks desktop Linux is futile

Robert Reese~ ale at sixit.com
Tue Jul 8 15:11:34 EDT 2008

> Currently that is just not possible without throwing out
> all of Windows Active Directory and its attendant services which is
> not politically or practically feasible.

Hi Keith,

I'm wondering of the Board of Regents would be inclined, via pressure from potential and current students, their families, and the state government, to refrain from spending critical money on MS products; the cost of tuition, books, and so forth, are keen on the minds of those that pay for attending GT.

Furthermore, GT has one of the best CS/CC campuses in the world with highly impressive and trained wetware to attack the problem.  Why not make a priority project for graduate and undergraduate students to create an open-source alternative to the Active Directory?  This surely would be a positive ROI instead of blowing it on MSAD.

Right now would be a prime time to do so, especially since the news organizations are gearing up for their "holy carp, college costs *how* much?!" news pieces, and the BoR and administration probably have already been receiving calls for interviews and questionnaires from said news agencies.  ;c)

Robert Reese~

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