[ale] Linspire chairman thinks desktop Linux is futile

Preston Boyington preston.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 11:54:45 EDT 2008

Jeff Lightner wrote:
> Funny - the Help Desk folks here couldn't figure out how to Ghost NTFS
> when my Windoze laptop hard drive was being upgraded so wanted to
> reinstall with FAT32 (and of course lose everything I had).  
> I went out and got a Gparted boot disk and did the swap myself (and also
> setup dual boot).  I then burned them a copy of the CD and gave them the
> instructions.  They never came to get the CD and when I asked recently
> the version of Ghost they use STILL is the one that won't do NTFS.

At the request of my supervisor, I helped recover files from several 
dying drives using various Linux tools.  I personally recovered about 
40% of the material that was salvageable and felt that I had done a good 
deed by helping out.

This actually put me on a "watch list" because I used "Linux Stuff" and 
I was subsequently written up for using "non policy" software on the 
company's machines / network.  After questioning their backup practices 
as well as their lineage I decided that helping others out in a business 
environment is not worth the aggravation.

A year or so later when I left, I was told they treated my machine like 
it was a bomb.  This made me laugh since I knew it was easily the most 
legit and clean machine in the whole place.

Arrant Drivel - really, it's just trash...

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