[ale] For those ALE'rs that might be near Chattanooga or want to make the trip

aaron aaron at pd.org
Fri Dec 26 16:44:50 EST 2008

It looks like my schedule will allow me to head North
to Chattanooga and attend Mike's party tomorrow night,
though I'm not much for making the drive alone.

If anyone here is interested in joining me for a fun
little Chattanooga road trip and possibly sharing the
driving and fuel cost, please contact me off list:
<aaron[at]pd.org> or <arxaaron[at]gmail.com>

Would plan to leave ATL by about 6:30p, and head back
from Chattanooga around midnight. Willing to arrange
pick-up & drop off in the Atlanta area North of I-20.
I'm also amenable to being the Designated Driver for
the return trip if no one else wants to volunteer.
My vehicle is a recent model Saturn Vu with a manual
transmission and seats a driver +3 adults very


On 2008, Dec, 19, , at 8:27 PM, Mike Harrison wrote:

> You are hereby invited!
>    What:  The 5TH annual ________ party at Mike and Nancy's.
>    When:  Saturday, December 27th, 7:00pm to ??????
>    Were:  1031 Lower Brow Road, Signal Mtn TN 37377
>           - Take 127 to the 2nd right past the "SpaceShip House"
>             then the first left onto Lower Brow Road,
>             first house on the left (look up!).
>    Provided: Beverages (leaded and unleaded),  heavy snacks
>    Do bring: Yourself, significant other, a friend,
>              good conversation and favorite sharable toys.
>              Beverage(s) or munchies if self-compelled.
>    Don't bring: WMD, tactical nukes and small children.
>    Expect: A wide variety of people, ranging from hard core
>            techno geekazoids to geeky freakazoids plus a smattering
>            of artists, cavers, dancers, musicans, savants and  
> sycophants.
>            Expect some fun with toys, blinky lights and noisy things.
>            and Non-Politically Correct Conversations.
>    Not responsible for: Your having a good time, safe words,
>                         leaps of faith (or robots) from the deck,
>                         or hot tub injuries.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Historically, it started as the "Chugalug" party, it's grown a  
> little since
> then and become a fun mixer of the interesting people in various  
> parts of
> Mike and Nancy's lives.
> RSVPs not necessary, call 423-605-6943 (Mike) or 423-280-7582  
> (Nancy) if you
> have questions. If you don't know Mike or Nancy, and got this, but are
> interesting, sociable and intelligent and want to meet some new  
> friends (or
> enemies) then you should come and make yourself known.  It's a  
> small house
> with a great view and exactly 1 bathroom and an odd lovable  
> assortment of
> people.
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