[ale] I've hit a rough wall, installin' Smoothwall :-)
William Bagwell
rb211 at tds.net
Wed Dec 24 08:05:57 EST 2008
On Tuesday 23 December 2008, Courtney Thomas wrote:
> Jim,
> Thanks for the suggestion, which I attempted to implement this PM,
> without success.
> SmoothWall has recognized and loaded modules for all 3 NICs, so I
> assume they are ready to go:
> Ethernet cables plugged into the NICs:
> BellSouth DSL modem [RED] is 192.168.1.x; i.e.
> whatever Bellsouth dhcp assigns...
As three others have pointed out, your problem is here. If you assigned
this number to Red during the install it will not work. If Smoothwall
is getting this address from the modem (Not BellSouth directly but from
Bell Souths's modem / gateway / router / thingie) then it *should* work.
With the double NAT problem someone mentioned.
I too highly recommend putting the modem in bridge mode. However, make
sure you know how to reset it and re-configure it back the way it was in
case any thing goes wrong.
> Lan ethernet hub [GREEN] is; no
> LAN members plugged in yet
> Linksys wireless router [ORANGE] is; with
> ethernet cable plugged into the "internet' port rather than any of the
> ethernet ports (4)
> DHCP Server is not enabled.
> It is unclear to me what the NIC addresses should be and as a result, I
> guess, I am unable, from the SmoothWall box, to ping any internet site
> by numeric or resolvable address.
>From this part it is apparent that you are still logged into Smoothwall
directly. You do realize that the final connection steps are done
through Smoothwalls other interface?
Obviously all the initial set up and configuration done while logged in
directly to Smoothwall has to be correct. I seem to recall it will not
*let* you connect if you are still logged in as root or setup. Once your
sure ever thing is correct, try rebooting Smoothwall then go to in a web browser on any
computer on your LAN. From here you will log in as Admin and make the
final steps to set up and connect.
> What's wrong and how should I fix it ?
Unless I have missed it, you have never stated which version of Smoothwall
you are using. Lots of differences between version 2 (which I am still
using) and version 3 (which I have only played with briefly). 2.0 only
offers Red - Green - Orange. I believe 3.0 now offers the choice of
multiple Green interfaces, which I think may suit your needs a bit
better. (BTW the Orange interface is intended for servers so they will be
separate from the rest of your LAN)
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