[ale] I've hit a rough wall, installin' Smoothwall :-)

Geoffrey lists at serioustechnology.com
Mon Dec 22 10:18:03 EST 2008

Courtney Thomas wrote:
> Geoffrey,
> How'd you turn off NAT on your Linksys router ?

This is a WRT300N and from the web interface:

Setup->advanced routing

There is a option to disable NAT.

> Also, how do you know a given machine is accessing the web under the aegis 
> of the wireless router
> rather than directly browsing the web through the router  ?

I'm not sure I understand the question.  In my situation, everything has 
to eventually go through smoothwall.  I do not rely on any security 
within the wireless router from the perspective of my internal network.

> Thank you,
> Courtney
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Geoffrey" <lists at serioustechnology.com>
> To: <ale at ale.org>
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 7:57 AM
> Subject: Re: [ale] I've hit a rough wall, installin' Smoothwall :-)
>> Courtney Thomas wrote:
>>> Season's Greetings  !
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> My current dilemma is............
>>> Accessing the web, I can NOW either have,
>>>     a Smoothwall firewall box with NICs,
>>>         OR
>>>             a Windows box with a wireless card,
>>> but not both simultaneously.
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> The setup for the Smoothwall box's web access [see Next Hyphenated 
>>> section]
>>> is RED & GREEN,
>>> i.e. has two NICs connected to the wireless router's ethernet ports.
>>> For the Windows box to succeed in web access is to unplug Smoothwall's
>>> ethernet cables from the
>>> wireless router, else they fail to connect.
>> I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to do.  Here is my setup and it
>> works great:
>> internet <-> smoothwall <-> switch <-> wireless router
>> All my wireless stuff connects via the wireless router and get dhcp info
>> from smoothwall.  All my wired stuff is connected to the switch directly.
>> I accomplish this by turning off nat on my linksys router, and all works
>> fine.
>> -- 
>> Until later, Geoffrey
>> Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
>> temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
>>  - Benjamin Franklin
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Until later, Geoffrey

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
  - Benjamin Franklin

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