[ale] Randal Schwartz speaking to Atlanta Perl Mongers

Stephen Cristol stephen at bee.net
Tue Aug 19 16:35:31 EDT 2008

Randal Schwartz (Merlyn) will be a special guest speaker for the 28  
August 2008 Atlanta Perl Mongers meeting. He will be giving a talk  
titled "Perl Second-Best Practices" (synopsis below).

NOTE: You must RSVP to attend this event.

Details are on our web site:

RSVP form:

Perl Second-Best Practices

So, you don't have time to read Damian Conway's "Perl Best Practices"  
book, to understand his "256 guidelines on the art of coding to help  
you write better Perl code"? Hear Randal Schwartz provide the  
executive summary, including pointing out where Randal disagrees with  
Damian, and why. This high-speed overview will help you understand  
"code layout, naming conventions, choice of data and control  
structures, program decomposition, interface design and  
implementation, modularity, object orientation, error handling,  
testing, and debugging". But using shorter words.

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