[ale] Simple printer default question

Scott Castaline hscast at charter.net
Fri Aug 1 21:29:13 EDT 2008

Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On Fri August 1 2008, Jeff Lightner wrote:
>> Ever notice how suse and sucks start with the same 2 letters?  :p
> I used SUSE from 9.1 to 10.2, til it crashed and burned. Now it is Debian on 
> desktop, Kubuntu ( KDE 4.1 ) on my laptop, AWESOME!!
>> RedHat Forever!
>> Let the flames begin...
> care for a match??
Fedora 9 on both mine and my significant other's (formerly my server) 
and she was a M$ Win2K abused user. She also has a GA. state issued 
laptop that has M$ Win XP, which it's my understanding they have no 
intention to go M$ Blister. Haven't been able to get them to convert, 
but if they hold out long enough may be they will.

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