[ale] Linux Frontend to MS Access

Matt Kubilus mattkubilus at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 12:33:20 EDT 2007

On 9/16/07, Mike Harrison <meuon at geeklabs.com> wrote:
> > The problem with this as I understand it (and I'm not certain I understand it
> > very well, that's why I'm asking here) is that there is no Linux ODBC driver
> > for Microsoft Access (ie Jet) that has write support. MDB Tools [1] has an
> As last I played in the world, you are correct. Better migration path:
> 1. Convince them to dump Access for M$-SQL (often not that hard, Microsoft
>     will help you here.. ). Decent MS-Apps and if I remember correctly,
>     even Access itself seamlessly will use an M$-SQL server.

Access can connect to ANY ODBC datasource.  So they could dump Access
backend for MSSQL, PostrgreSQL, MySQL, etc.  It's not exactly seamless

Access allows queries that reference form data directly.  These will
not translate directly.

Though I would recommend for your data's sake to get it out of an
Access backend.  Don't kid yourself about a pain free transition.

It's been a few years for me as well so perhaps the transition is easier now,

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