[ale] make

John Heim jheim at math.wisc.edu
Tue Oct 23 13:40:08 EDT 2007

When using the percent sign in a makefile, how can I get just the part 
represented by the percent sign in the command?

%.o :  %.c
    cc  -o $@ $<

In the above example, if I say, 'make foo.o', then $@ expands to foo.o and 
$< expands to foo.c. But what if i want just the 'foo' part? I'm trying to 
make ldif files based on a uid. For instance, if I say 'make jheim.ldif', I 
want it to make jheim.ldif by doing an ldap search for "uid=jheim".

%.ldif :
    ldapsearch -LLL -x "uid=?" > $@

But what goes in place of the question mark in the above rule?

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