[ale] Slack 12 NIC problem

zeb n4zm at mindspring.com
Sat Oct 13 12:19:05 EDT 2007

Slackware 12.0 seems to have a problem,  It will not recognize add-in pci 
network cards.  I have 6 such cards.  They all work like a charm under Slack 
10.2 and 11.2.  Under Slack 12, only one of them will work at  all (and that 
for no more than 31 pings).

"lsmod" and "lspci" show the cards are recognized and driver modules 
installed.  "ifconfig" and "route" fail recognize the cards.

"cat  /proc/interrupts" does not show any IRQ conflicts.

I have tried adding  "pci=routeirq" to the kernel command line and dedicating 
one pci slot to the NIC.

What am I doing wrong?  Any suggestions or recommendations for sources of help 
will be greatly appreciated.


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