[ale] kppp

Thompson Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Tue Oct 2 23:46:38 EDT 2007

On 10/02/2007 12:28:22 PM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> I'm trying to help my Uncle ( in Hartford, CT) setup Kubuntu. Right
> now he has 
> it installed, but the modem isn't working. Since I've never setup
> kpppd I'm 
> looking for guidance..
> any tips/clues/ gotchas??
> he knows little about computers, and he is 73.
> when you setup the dialup do you specify /dev/modem0 ? I don't even
> have kpppd 
> installed on my desktop.

I haven't setup a modem with Linux in years, as in well before Ubuntu 
got started. I had a devil of a time locating the bits and pieces to 
make a win/soft/modem work. Worse yet, I've got no idea if I can find 
my notes, so I'm running from memory

_IF_ by some miracle your Uncle has or can get his hands on a true 
hardware modem (probably an external), you probably can make a symlink 
between a serial port and /dev/modem and be good to go.

Should you be stuck with a software or winmodem, you need to find the 
needed driver software to go with it. Which will be an exercise in 
obscurity unless things have changed for the better over the years.  
Memory suggests that there are five or seven possible chip sets in the 
software modems, with different software requirements.

Sorry to sound rather pessimistic. Good luck to you on your researches.

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