[ale] For Sale: Supermicro 8050

lgee lgee at optifacio.net
Fri Mar 16 07:20:13 EDT 2007

Supermicro 8050 server


4 PII Xeon @ 550Mhz
Dual SCSI controllers
10 SCSI/SCA drive bays with carriers, no drives 
Triple power supplies
Missing front bezel, damaged beyond repair during a move.

I've had this thing in my garage gathering dust for many years.  It is
about the size of a dorm refrigerator and comes complete with casters.
It works really well as a computing space heater, end table, etc.  Many
moons ago the place I worked for used this as the daily build machine,
but it has since been replaced.  It worked when I fired it up last year
to test some hard drives.

Yes it runs Linux, quite well in fact.

I'm more interested in getting this thing out of my garage than anything

Respond off list.  Make offer.  Bring truck.

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