[ale] RHEL 5 is out

Jeff Lightner jlightner at water.com
Thu Mar 15 10:47:37 EDT 2007

If you're not using it for commercial purposes you should be using the
non-commercial Fedora Core instead.   
FC = Non-commercial sponsored by RedHat
RHEL = Commercially supported distro from RedHat  - FC essentially acts
as beta for this.   RHEL is typically a subset of the FC distro of the
same version (they only take what they want to support commercially).

For commercial stuff I'll stick with RH over Suse since at least they
haven't sold out to M$.

-----Original Message-----
From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of Jim
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:21 AM
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [ale] RHEL 5 is out

On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 08:36 -0400, Jerry Yu wrote:
> RHEL 5 is out and is not much of a surprise in terms of feature list.
> It is more interesting to see the changes to the business Redhat does
> as an FOSS service company.  
	"Subscribers are issued with installation keys that pre-
	define package manifests depending on the subscription 
	level."  <-- same old RedHat. ;-)

-Jim P.

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