[ale] Text Terminals (VT525 or similar)?

Michael B. Trausch michael.trausch at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 16:39:52 EDT 2007

Does anyone know where I could find any VT525 terminals?

I have looked around, and I can't seem to get any for what I would call
a reasonable price.  Any color text terminal would work, though.  I am
just looking for something that hooks up via a serial connection.  I'd
really like to find something that is being thrown away, of course, in
arena?but I don't know if I could get that lucky.  I suspect that most
people have junked theirs by now.

    --- Mike

Michael B. Trausch
           michael.trausch at gmail.com
Phone: (404) 592-5746
                          Jabber IM:
           michael.trausch at gmail.com
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