[ale] Welcome back to the ALE list

Chris Farris chris at vitalpowers.com
Thu Jun 14 08:04:49 EDT 2007

No, it didn't go away, your mail server wasn't bouncing messages, I 
didn't leave in a huff.

Sometime on Monday someone subscribed to the list with a unicode email 
that didn't jive with the version of mailman ALE was running. So rather 
than learning python, I dumped the list members, un-subscribed everyone, 
and re-added everyone. Alas, I missed the flag "don't send unsubscribed 
people email". Oops.  Anyway that didn't fix it, but upgrading to the 
latest version of mailman did and all seems to be happy now.

The other thing I fubared was not separating out the digest from regular 
members. So if you are a digest member, you're getting individual emails 
again. I apologize, you'll need to click on the link at the bottom and 
re-sign up for the digest. I'll refund your money this month for the 

That is all.


Chris Farris				chris at vitalpowers dot com
The Exercise of Vital Powers		404 806 1403

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