[ale] OT: proxy blocking mods for phpBB2

Van Loggins vanloggins at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 22:24:16 EDT 2007

Guys, I recently was put in charge of running the forum that's mentioned 
in my signature file at the bottom of this message.

I am currently using a combination of anti-spam ACP and CTracker and so 
far they have been pretty effective, but I was
wondering if there are any good mods for phpBB2 that would allow for 
downloading of an updated list of known proxys and
would check incoming connections to the board to this list so it could 
block them as needed.

I've been going through all of the cgi proxy websites and manually 
blocking their ip addresses, but I know that isn't gonna stop the script 
 who use the proxy sites that aren't associated with websites.

We have one "open" forum where guests can post and you guessed it, we 
have people who come to the board through proxies so they can wage
 their own private wars against forum members, and we also  have folks 
who try their best to "help" everyone out by posting links to getting 
dysfunction medications,etc. without prescriptions.

I wanted to simply change the open forum to a regular one that requires 
you to be logged in before you can post, but my wife who is one of the
forum admins wants to keep the forum the way it is, as it encourages 
visitors to ask questions,etc. and brings traffic to the board.

This isn't a situation where I can afford to pay anyone to do it for me 
and I have limited access to the system that our board is hosted on, so 
it has to
be something that is compatible with our phpBB2 forum

any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Van Loggins


Better Breeders Corner Webmaster and Admin

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