[ale] BackupPC

Joe Bayes jbayes at spoo.mminternet.com
Fri Jul 6 11:09:45 EDT 2007

Steve Tynor typeth:

>To change the install dir after the fact, try editing the TopDir 
>variable in /usr/local/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm. I'm not sure if 
>that's the kosher, recommended technique, but I'd think it will work.

Hrm. Well, if I'm going to kluge, I could also link /var/lib/BackupPC
to /home/BackupPC. 

I'm going to bug report this one. The .rpm is near useless without an
option to change the backup dir you want to kluge), so either a
workaround or at least some documentation seems like it would be

Thanks for the help. 

Joe Bayes -- jbayes at spoo.mminternet.com

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