[ale] DSL static IP

Paul Cartwright paul_tbot at pcartwright.com
Wed Jul 4 14:51:19 EDT 2007

On Wednesday 04 July 2007 02:10:21 pm John Mills wrote:
> OpenSSH on the remote linux (puTTY on remote Windows); openSSH/sshd on the
> home system. Open the incoming ssh port on the home system's firewall, and
> forward that port through your LAN router (if any) to the home system.

I've used winscp & putty from my laptop to my desktop within my own home 
network. The next part is what I'm not familiar with.. SO, my home network is 
192.168.10.X and bellsouth gave me a static IP of... I forget the IP, just 
call it xxx.yyy.zzz.10 . My DSL modem attachs to my netgear router, which is .  I am using firestarter on opensuse, but I don't see a 
firestarter process running. So how do I get from the outside world, to my 
desktop machine on the 192.168.10 network from my static IP of 
xxx.yyy.zzz.10 ?

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Ubuntu User number is # 12459

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