[ale] OT - Job Opportunity in Alpharetta

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Wed Feb 21 09:01:35 EST 2007

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Jim wrote:
> Has unix support gotten down to commodity job status already?  $9-15 an 
> hour?  Shit, I can make more than $20 driving a truck.

I shouldn't admit this publically.. 

But in 2004, I made more welding than I did in IT. 
It's handy to have other skills. but I now have a very small 
dead spot in my right eye... should have used much darker filters.

It was also a year in which I spent time learning new things, 
mostly PHP/MySQL.. 

Being FLEXIBLE is important. Aptitude is just as important as 
knowledge and experience, if not more so. 

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