[ale] moving /var

Paul Cartwright paul_tbot at pcartwright.com
Mon Feb 19 13:15:00 EST 2007

On Monday 19 February 2007 12:39, Chris Coleman wrote:
> Single user mode is best. Be careful to keep the permissions and ownership
> intact when you copy the files to the new partition.

I'm ASSuMing that is the process by the "--same-owner" switch on tar:
? ? tar --same-owner -cjpsvf /tmp/var.tar.bz2 /var

I was just trying that out on my system. I uh, heh heh, thought you had to 
replace "same-owner" with a REAL name... ;-0) but after looking at man tar, 
found out what it means!

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

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