[ale] X window to foreground

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Sat Dec 29 11:57:06 EST 2007

On Sat 2007-12-29 05:01:25 -0500, Brian Pitts wrote:

> I'm afraid this doesn't get you much closer to an answer. I don't
> know how to programmatically change which window is active.

Interesting.  i've never played with xprop before, thanks for the

A bit of digging on the 'net turns up xdotool:


This seems to claim to be able to focus a window with ID $FOO with:

  xdotool windowfocus $FOO

haven't tried it myself, though.  I hope folks will report back if
they try it.  Seem like it's shockingly new tool (from this
year!) for functionality this fundamental, but who knows...

On reflection, focusing a window doesn't (and shouldn't, for those of
us who like "sloppy" focus) raise it to the foreground.

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