[ale] Q: How to cancel a print job in FC3 w/CUPS

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Sun Dec 23 18:23:43 EST 2007

On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 17:06 -0500, John Mills wrote:
> I need to cancel a hung-up print job on my FC3 system, and can't find
> the 
> switch to remove it or empty that queue. Attempts to '# lprm' return 
> "Unable to unspool print job" (or close).

I do not know what other systems have similar things in terms of
functionality, but when I print from my system (Ubuntu 7.10), I have a
printer icon that shows up when I spool a job---whether over the network
or to a printer directly attached to my machine.  I can just click the
printer icon, right-click the job that I want to abort, and abort it
that way.

The command-line way mentioned in other replies works, too.  I have had
to cancel long running print jobs on more than one occasion, and some
ways are faster than others when they are across the network and the job
is doing something silly...

Also---somewhat unrelated---a random little tip that I learned when
printing PDFs, particularly complex ones:  Print them directly through
CUPS, not through Evince.  Evince for some reason makes the job size
blow up to be very large, compared to just spooling the job directly
through CUPS.  As a result, the job prints quite a bit more quickly, and
CUPS has many options to control the output's layout (n-up being one
that I use pretty frequently).

	--- Mike

Michael B. Trausch                                   mike at trausch.us
home: 404-592-5746, 1                                 www.trausch.us
cell: 678-522-7934                       im: mike at trausch.us, jabber
Ubuntu Unofficial Backports Project:    http://backports.trausch.us/
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