[ale] Evolution is a hog

Jim Popovitch yahoo at jimpop.com
Mon Dec 10 14:50:33 EST 2007

On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 11:16 -0500, Christopher Fowler wrote:
> I was trying to send email to someone and got an error in Evolution that
> there were too many open files
> [cfowler at shuttle proc]$ lsof | grep evolu | wc -l
> 1471
> Why does evolution need 1471 open fds?
> I'm running 2.10.3 

I'm running 2.10.1, with only 579 files opened.   This seems normal to
me considering my number of filters, plugins, calendars, folders, folder
indexes, etc.  

Do you have lots of folders, plugins, calendars, folders, folder
indexes, etc?

-Jim P.

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