[ale] ssh thru BS modem thru Linksys wont work

Adrin adrin at bellsouth.net
Sun Dec 9 13:03:43 EST 2007

If I recall correctly there are 2 ways to port forward on the BS Modem.
One doesn't work so good.  You are doing the right thing by making the
WAN side of the linksys router static.  But make sure you are making it
static outside the scope of the DHCP.  Now, there may be some other
issues one I just though of and not sure if this even happens.

1. Arp table time outs.  I know that a LINKSYS router will timeout the
ARP table and you will get a droped connection if there is no traffic.
Of course this will only happen after you have had a connection.

2. I don't know if ssh knows or cares.  But some VPN devices do.  That
is they do not allow encrypeted VPN (hardware to hardware) connections
across double NAT setups. Does SSH detect a man in the middle


On Sat, 2007-12-08 at 17:21 -0500, jtholmes wrote:
> The long and short of this request is
> ssh thru bell south modem then thru
> a linksys router then to a linux machine.
> I can connect a linux machine directly to the
>   ethernet port (yellow) on a
>   Bell South Modem (4x4 black) with port 22 open
>   and connect to the linux machine from a friends
>   dsl connection just fine.
> However, if I connect a linksys router to the ethernet
>   port  (yellow) on the modem, open port 22 on the
>   Linksys and connect a linux machine (with a static)
>   address to the router I cannot get thru the router
>   to the linux machine with ssh.
> The ssh on  the remote machine just sits there and
> does nothing.
> Wireshark on the remote machine shows the syn
> but never a response from the remote machine.
> any ideas would be appreciated.
> jt
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