[ale] Why a sysadmin might fear a LiveCD [was: Re: venting about an old sysadmin - WAS: Using OS X as a thinclient]

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Fri Aug 3 15:12:56 EDT 2007

If that's the case, then the sysadmins have already screwed up because 
they made the machines such that a user can boot them to a CD.  They'd 
better have taken the same precaution with floppy drives and USB ports 
and I hope they keylocked their cases. 

Bad sysadmin.  No Everquest for you.

Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> If your administrators are trying to make sure that their systems are
> intact and not modified without their knowledge, LiveCDs pose a real
> threat.  They provide superuser-level access to the hardware (not to
> mention all the bits on disk) to anyone who cares to run them.

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