[ale] OT: U.P.S. Recommendations

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Wed Apr 11 22:02:08 EDT 2007

Aaron -

What you probably want are "true online" UPSses - marketroidese for
UPSses that run the load off their inverters all the time.  This is
distinct from the typical APC/Belkin stuff that still has a "burp" when
they switch over from direct to inverter, relying to some extent on
systems' power supplies' tolerance for burps and perhaps even
ferroresonant transformers (meaning that they use transformers whose
electromagnetic circuit is designed with a built-in 60Hz "tuning fork"

I tend to recommend Liebert (now part of Emerson Electric) for Serious
Shiznit.  See

- Jeff

aaron wrote:
> I've been trusting the life of my computers to the Southern
> Company monopolists and Georgia Power for as long as I've
> I've been living with computers (or, in their little silicon minds,
> living _for_ them).
> In truth, the electricity has been generally reliable and consistent
> in my area, at least as far as I can tell without having ever put
> meters on it, but I'm overdue to start playing a little safer and
> invest in a U.P.S. / Power conditioning system to help safeguard
> my money machines.
> I'm looking to provide power to a couple 400 watt computers with
> CRT monitors plus a few external disk drives. A 30 minute battery
> run time would ride through most of the occasional bumps and brief
> outages that happen here. Don't need any remote monitoring or
> alerts and such since these aren't server systems.  Just looking for
> advice on appropriate size and brands that are a reliable value.
> Like any computerized rubbish bin would say...
>      Any Input Appreciated!
> peace
> aaron
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