[ale] HOW2 link a partition to another disk's partition ?

Courtney Thomas courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net
Thu Oct 19 18:25:49 EDT 2006

I have, say, /1st/home, on a first disk,
and want to move it's contents to another disk entirely,
and, by that fact empty /1st/home.

But, I still want to have /1st/home appear on the original disk,
but be empty BUT simply point to /2nd/home on the second disk.

In other words, when an access is required of /1st/home on the
original disk, that access is of /2nd/home on the second disk.

If I try to:
ln -s /2nd/home /1st/home,
I end up with a pointer 'inside' /1st/home, i.e. /1st/home/pointer
NOT... /1st/pointer.

What's the simplest solution, please ?


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