[ale] Building the perfect Linux end-user systems.

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 11:30:07 EDT 2006

Dow_Hurst wrote:
> You can try out Novell/Suse's latest version of OO which has VB
> support in Calc.  However, Codeweaver CXoffice running MSOffice 2000
> sounds more like what you would want for school projects.  I
> understand your pain dealing with MSoffice requirements.
> Dow

Yeah, I don't need VBA support so much as I need support for all of that
OLE black magic that Microsoft seems to be such a fan of.  :-(

	-- Mike

Michael B. Trausch <fd0man at gmail.com> - Jabber: fd0man at livejournal.com

Demand freedom: Use open and free protocols, standards, and software.

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