[ale] large file downloads & Comcast

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 14:35:05 EDT 2006

Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 14:05 -0400, Bob Toxen wrote:
>> That's Comcast!  I have the same problem.  It is not your equipment.
>> It's why I'm switching.
> :-)  I have comcast and I don't have any problem with DVD images or
> other very large files.   I don't doubt that the problem exists for
> others, but blaming comcast as a whole is a bit dubious, IMHO.  
> Do you and others see the exact same problem (such as file xyx from site
> abc always fails), similar problems (every file over size 123 fails), or
> just random files.  Can someone give me a URL of a file that they can't
> d/l over comcast so that all comcast users can verify it is a comcast
> problem and not an isolated issue.

I download large files all the time with my service.  The biggest
problem that I have had lately is with my digital TV service, and that
isn't so much of a problem for me, really.  Honestly, I prefer to have
the Internet over my television service, unless House is on... *grin*

	-- Mike

Michael B. Trausch <fd0man at gmail.com> - Jabber: fd0man at livejournal.com

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