[ale] System requirements for broadband?

Luther lutherfire at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 3 15:00:24 EDT 2006

Hello, my name is Luther. I've been to a two or three ALE meetings
over the past couple of years. I've been using Linux since 2002, but
I am just now trying to get internet access at home. I have a very
newbie question, and I thought I should ask some local people (you
guys) for help.

I've had a look at the BellSouth and Comcast websites. When I look at
their system requirements, they say I have to have either Windows or
Macintosh and 100 MB of hard disk space. This perplexes me, because
whenever I go to a friend's house and plug their modem into my
laptop, I'm online instantly. I really don't want to have to deal
with the hassle of installing Windows. Can anyone please explain why
they have these system requirements? And what should I tell the
DSL/cable people when I call them to ask for an installation?

Thanks in advance for any help...

Luther Thompson

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