[ale] 10M service

aaron aaron at pd.org
Sun May 28 10:05:24 EDT 2006

On Saturday 27 May 2006 23:10, Jerry Yu wrote:
> comcast HSI.
> I downloaded OpenOffice 2.0.2 this morning (104M) and got ~710KBps.
> so, I guess the 6Mbps is real :)

I've been generally satisfied with my Comcast HSI service.as well.

Connection has almost never been down in 3 years and DL/UL speeds have
been as advertised. Compared to the long running frustrations I had trying to 
get any usable level of DSL service through BellSouth lines, Comcast has
been a joy.

Now... if Comcast would just open up the lines to competitive providers,
I wouldn't have to hate them for their monopoly price gouging. :-P


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