[ale] Gotta bea FAQ: Give ordinary users R/W/X access to VFAT partition

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Sun May 14 13:48:34 EDT 2006

ALErs -

Thanks for the suggestions. I followed Sean's advice with one minor 
change: I had already created a group named 'winusers' with something like 
this in mind, so I awarded /win_e to it. (A "distinction without a 
difference", since I'm the only USER, 'user', and 'winuser'. Just 
practicing, I guess.)

Once again ALE tosses priceless clues before your clueless humble servant.

 - Mills

On Sat, 13 May 2006, Sean Kilpatrick wrote:

> On Saturday 13 May 2006 20:27, John Mills wrote:
> |  How can I modify the permissions so an ordinary Linux user can 
> | thrash away in the VFAT partition?
> I have three small (512 mb) FAT partitions on my drive to I can
> easily swap data between the Win98 partition and the Linux side.
> They each have an entry in /etc/fstab and each is mounted on boot.
> Ownership for all three is set for user: nobody; Group: users. Both
> the owner and the group "can view and modify content."
> The fstab lines look like this:
> /dev/hda8	/mnt/d-drive	vfat   
> nosuid,nodev,noexec,gid=users,uid=nobody,quiet,umask=2 0 0

Cut'n'paste is a _Good_Thing(TM)_.

> Sean

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