[ale] Gotta bea FAQ: Give ordinary users R/W/X access to VFAT partition

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Sun May 14 09:40:25 EDT 2006

ALErs -

This setup doesn't match mine.

On Sun, 14 May 2006, Paul Cartwright wrote:

> On Sun May 14 2006 7:32 am, Jim wrote:

> I'm running XP & SUSE 10.0 but my C drive is NTFS:
> /dev/hda2            /windows/C           ntfs       
> ro,users,gid=users,umask=0002,nls=utf8 0 0

> is yours NTFS??

No - when I repartitioned the drive I first shrunk the NTVS partition to 
what I figured would allow mainly for XP software installations. Then I 
partitioned the remaining space with a 'common data' VFAT area and an 
extended partition with [pretty much] the SuSE installer's recommended 

I asked folks (including this list) ahead of time and this seemed to be 
good advice, so I followed it. (That's a small miracle itself, as my wife 
would confirm!)

I used 'ntresize' (I think) from a 'rescue' CD to squeeze the basic 
partition, but I also made sure I knew what was there in case I had to 
rebuild from zippo. (Since this was a new laptop, I also waited to install 
extra XP apps until I had resized the NTFS partition.) 

Thanks for the permissions advice: I'll give it a try and report how I 
come out.

 - Mills

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