[ale] BIND and fowarding

Allan Neal allanneal at comcast.net
Thu Jun 29 17:44:23 EDT 2006

I have BIND 9.3.2 installed and configured as a standard caching name server
with one fake zone for my internal network.

It currently has a named.ca file generated by dig.  I would like to put one
other tier in the lookup process.  I would like it to consult my ISP's dns
servers before going to the root servers.  Is there anyway to do this?

 / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \
|  /~~\                                 /~~\  |
|\ \   |   I would rather be exposed   |   / /|
| \   /|     to the inconveniences     |\   / |
|  ~~  |  attending too much liberty   |  ~~  |
|      |  than to those attending too  |      |
|      |     small a degree of it.     |      |
|      |      - Thomas Jefferson       |      |
|      |                               |      |
 \     |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|     /
  \   /                                 \   /
   ~~~                                   ~~~
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