[ale] Redirection using sudo...?

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 13:11:09 EDT 2006

Okay, so I know that the shell itself implements redirection.  This is not a 
problem for me, as I use various forms of redirection and piping and such 
all the time.  However, I have wondered if there is a way to change how 
that works.

Sometimes, I want to change something in /proc or /sys.  Doing something 

 $ sudo echo "newvalue" > /sys/something

Will never work, because it says "permission denied" because the redirection 
is done as my local user (in this case, fd0man).

There are other solutions -- write a shell script that does it and execute 
the entire thing under sudo, or do "sudo su" and then perform the task 
using that.  Or, even, write a shell script that takes two arguments, the 
thing to echo, and the (presumably file) to echo it to.  However, I was 
wondering if there was some sort of shell construct that can be used on the 
command line to be something like:

 $ sudo { do something in a subshell as the sudo (root) user; }

I tried simply using a block and that doesn't work, either.  Interesting.

Does anybody know if there is such a thing that can be done such that 
redirection takes the elevated permissions by default, instead of 
redirection as the user running sudo (without creating scripts or using 

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