[ale] OT: Comcast

Marvin, International Martian of Mystery marvin.higginbottom at gmail.com
Sat Jun 10 09:06:46 EDT 2006

Jim wrote:
> Just for the record, I configured my Westell DSL modem I got from BS via 
> Firefox on Linux.  I never had to boot a M$ product.  I'm sure if you 
> want help, however you'll have to boot Windows.  But the interface to 
> the Westell was quite easy to navigate/understand. 
Yes, I know the Westell is easy to configure via the web-app.  The
hassle I was speaking of was with Comcast, and their windoze-only app
used to activate your account.  Seems to me that (the comcast crap)
*could* be as easy and as OS-independent as the Westell router set-up of
which you speak- instead of the needless windoze-only obtusification 
created by  their "set-up kit"... 

Which they make you pay for up-front, btw...

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