[ale] Odd problems with SSHd and a Wyse s50 linux nc?

tom sawyer tomsayer3135 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 7 17:59:51 EDT 2006

Hello all,

I've been working at trying to get sshd working on a
wyse s50 thin  client.

Wyse just says, install sshd, it'll work.  It asks me
to create a user and create a key.  I created a key
using puttygen and copied the public key to an ftp
server where the ssd config program on the wyse can
find it.  It seems to import just fine.

Now, whenever I try to connect via SSH (putty) it
2006-06-07 17:36:34	Looking up host ""
2006-06-07 17:36:34	Connecting to port 22
2006-06-07 17:36:34	Server version:
2006-06-07 17:36:34	We claim version:
2006-06-07 17:36:34	Using SSH protocol version 2
2006-06-07 17:36:34	Doing Diffie-Hellman group
2006-06-07 17:36:34	Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange
2006-06-07 17:36:36	Host key fingerprint is:
2006-06-07 17:36:36	ssh-rsa 1024
2006-06-07 17:36:36	Initialised AES-256 client->server
2006-06-07 17:36:36	Initialised AES-256 server->client
2006-06-07 17:36:36	Initialised HMAC-SHA1
client->server MAC algorithm
2006-06-07 17:36:36	Initialised HMAC-SHA1
server->client MAC algorithm
2006-06-07 17:36:42	Reading private key file
"C:\Documents and Settings\user1\My
2006-06-07 17:36:42	Offered public key
2006-06-07 17:36:42	Server refused public key
2006-06-07 17:36:42	Keyboard-interactive
authentication refused
2006-06-07 17:36:42	No supported authentications
offered. Disconnecting

I've loaded the private key into Putty for this
authorization type.

Any ideas?
Has anyone used a S50 before?
Is there something I'm missing?


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