[ale] [Slightly OT] Weird request...

fd0man™—The Magical Floppy Man fd0man at gmail.com
Sun Jul 16 00:57:58 EDT 2006

I just got finished setting up an e-mail server with antivirus and spam
filtering and the like, and I want to give it a good test run to see
what it will (and will not) let through.  I have tested it with
"testing" viruses such as EICAR, but I want to know that it is going to
catch *real* viruses and filter them out as it should.

Is there any way to do that?  I have had no luck finding any sort of
collection or anything that can be used for testing such things, and I
can understand that given the large potential for misuse.  Nonetheless,
is there any collections that anyone knows of that contain relatively
harmless things that I can use to test with, that aren't designed
specifically for the purpose of testing (such as EICAR)?


The fd0man??The Magical Floppy Man! (fd0man at gmail.com) 
?One world, one web, one program?  ?Microsoft promotional ad 
?Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer?  ?Adolf Hitler 
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