[ale] Permissions

Robert Story rstory-l at revelstone.com
Mon Jan 30 17:15:48 EST 2006

On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 20:36:19 -0500 Tim wrote:
TW> Anyone know what might be setting the permissions on /dev/hdc from
TW> brw-rw-rw- to brw------- ? (SuSE 10). Each time I chmod it to what I want
TW> it gets reset later (not sure how much later but I'm willing to guess
TW> within 24hrs). _______________________________________________

I'm guessing that's your CD drive, and that it changes whenever you log out.
Check out 'man console.perms', peek at /etc/security/console.perms, and run
pam_console_apply after updating it.

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