[ale] Wine

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Fri Jan 20 08:36:09 EST 2006

I'm trying to solve a problem all here have had.  My wife finally got a
laptop of her own so I get to delete the WinblozeXP partition off of my
ZE1250.  It uses 15gb of space and is not needed.  I'm looking at my
options and I could use Vmware, win4lin, or Wine.  I want to try Wine.

I've installed it so I'm a little confused about actually where to
start. and how to begin installing programs.  I don't have a way to run
cmd.com or command.com because I don't plan on installing a windowsXP
base.  I just want to use wine on a laptop with a 30gb disk all given to

I purchased a game called Mahjongg at a dollar store before Christmas
and I thought I would test with that.  It requires DirectX and I don't
think Wine will use DirectX.  I was able to install the program via 

wine "d:\SETUP.EXE".  

Then I ran it via:

wine "c:\Program File\MAHJONGG\game.exe"

I guess you have to remember the executable locations and then execute
them directly since there is what appears to be no menu system like in
regular windows.  Anyway I get a black screen then nothing.  Probably

This was just a test and the main reason for running Wine is to possible
run Act! 2005 on my laptop.  Maybe a few dollar store games like
Mahjongg and maybe a few dollar store kids games for my toddler. 

Any pointers?

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