[ale] Iptables: Temporarily mounting a windows share

Joe Steele joe at madewell.com
Mon Jan 16 16:05:59 EST 2006

Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> That's pretty much the plan - it's the "..." after "iptables -I" that 
> I'm concerned about.
O.K.  You will likely need to open up outbound connections to the MS box 
via TCP port 445:
iptables -I OUTPUT -d <dst-IP-addr> -p tcp -dport 445 -j ACCEPT

and then allow inbound packets:

iptables -I INPUT -s <dst-IP-addr> -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

Older versions of windows would want to communicate over TCP port 139 
instead of 445.

That probably would be sufficient.  Windows also uses UDP ports 137 and 
138, but I'm thinking you probably don't need these.

If there any problems, ethereal should help in quickly identifying what 
traffic you need to allow.


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