[ale] Ga tech

Vernard Martin vernard at venger.net
Fri Feb 24 17:16:48 EST 2006

> I've had an extensive chat with some of the people in involved with the
> new GA Tech programs.   There is a lot of exciting new stuff going on, a
> lot of it with national labs, and corporate research sponsors on the
> most interesting new aspects of computing.
Oh, I didn't say that the new programs aren't great and exciting. They 
are. They are innovative and trend-setting and all that stuff. Its a 
great time to be an undergraduate at GA Tech. We are still extremely 

however, they are doing a lot of this at the expense of the stuff that 
made tech famous. There is almost ZERO operating systems research going 
on these days. And they have almost entirely gutted the programming 
languages group. I mean gutted as in there are ZERO tenured faculty 
there and they have just denied tenure to the two faculty in that area 
that just applied for tenure. Either we suck at recruiting competent 
languages folks or we suck at keeping them. Either way it doesn't bode 
> I came away wanting to bribe my kids into getting better high school
> grades so they could go there.    I would sure give them a positive
> look.
Grades aren't nearly as important as you think. Since we are a state 
school, we are required by law to accept a certain percentage of State 
residents. If you apply to enter the summer semester before the Fall 
semester, you will more than likely be admitted.

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