[ale] Using MythTV in a networked DVR farm setting
Mike Harrison
meuon at geeklabs.com
Mon Feb 20 10:21:58 EST 2006
> 1. How well the program guide and network interface work. Can teachers
> easily program a recording from school or home PC via web interface? Do
If you punch a hole through the firewall, yep. The interface is VERY easy.
But you'll want to secure that hole.
> we need a fixed IP address for each DVR, or does MythTV have a single
> web site you can log into and program your local DVR (like Snapstream, e.g.)
Not done it yet, but theoretically you can have a gang of encoders
all working as a team from one control interface. Looks like it'd take
some serious geek time to make it work smoothly.
> 2. If you had a bank of MythTV Linux DVRs in a centralized location, how
Kinda same part of the above.
> 4. Can you set MythTV to automatically recompress the digital video for
> streaming at a lower bit rate so older clients can stream it from the
> LTSP servers?
You can set up all kind of batch processes...
> Has anyone tried any of this? Any advice? Alternative is to put a
> Linux box in each classroom dedicated to DVR and connected to the
Advice: Having dealt with teachers and education: let some-one else do it.
That being said, if you are a masochist, and want to play and learn, and
support your custom one of a kind solution, MythTV is an incredible set of tools..
and there are lots of things you can add
in. But think of it more like an 'Erector Set' than a solution.
And you'll probably add a few parts from other sets, grind and hammer them
to fit.. etc.. And the PVR-350 Cards rock! - Please use hardware MPEG
cards.. they work so much better.
Oh.. and check out VLC http://www.videolan.org - It's streaming server rocks.
It makes a good tool for streaming video server from live inputs as well
as files.
Although I run a KnoppMyth machine at home, I've found it easier to build
custom boxen based on FC4, but I'm a RedHat kinda guy...
Here's a ps from a single CPU machine with 4 PVR350 cards encoding and
streaming at the same time: Avg System load: 5.26
2368 ? Ssl 4370:40 /usr/bin/vlc -d --color
2393 ? Ssl 3727:22 /usr/bin/vlc -d --color
8179 ? Ssl 2784:58 /usr/bin/vlc -d --color
19088 ? Ssl 608:33 /usr/bin/vlc -d --color
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