[ale] OT: Data recovery from CD-ROM?

Nathan ale1 at cybertechcafe.net
Sun Feb 19 14:43:18 EST 2006

This may be thinking a bit too much out of the box, but if dd can see 
it, what about foremost?

Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hey guys,
> I have a bit of a problem.  I have a CD-ROM that has been physically
> damaged -- however the physical damage is only at the *very* end of the
> medium, but it's umountable as a result.  I can dd 113 MB of data from
> it, but I can't mount the image that I've created of it, either.
> What I'm wondering is if there are any tools or scripts that can grep
> through an ISO9660 filesystem and recover as many files as it can read.
>  Any ideas?
> If there is no such thing yet, I'm not adverse to creating such a tool,
> so long as there is something better then the official ISO9660 spec
> which is not really comprehensible by me.
> 	Thanks,
> 	Mike
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